Monday, November 10, 2008

stay with me here....i've got a lot to say!!

ok new moms (or old pros)...this is for you!! first of all church was awesome sunday!! i felt like God was speaking directly to me! the sermon was about our "american idols", a series that dr. les has been doing for about 5 weeks. this week was about our children and how we idolize them. i knew as soon as i saw the screen that this sermon was for me!! the first thing dr. les talked about was how important it is to raise our children in "God based homes" and i thought ok i want my son to believe in God but we are by no means a "religious" family we miss church some, we miss a bedtime prayer here or there. and then he goes on to say that a "God based home" is not necessarily run by a "religious family" (ok is he reading my mind?) he said the most important factor of raising a child in a "GBH" is the relationship between a husband and wife (ok i thought this was about the kids). he said people often believe that once a child comes along the main focus should be put on the child and often the relationship between husband and wife is put on the back burner. how do you expect to raise your child in a GBH when the sacredness of marriage and family is often over shadow by what is going on the child's life. children today are often glorified and praised instead of disciplined and made to face consequences for their actions. to make a long and wonderful sermon short...the best way to raise your child in a GBH is keep the focus on the marriage and make sure the child knows that he or she is very important and loved but there are boundaries and children need to be brought down to reality instead of coddled and pacified their whole lives!! wow! pretty awesome...take what you will from this but mommies remember that our children need our loving care but so do our husbands!!! one thing that gavin and i try to do is every few weeks let someone keep mack and we have a date night! the number one rule of date night is that we DO NOT talk about mack....we talk about everything going on in our husband/wife lives instead of what's going on in our mother/father lives...please don't get me wrong i love my son with all my heart and would do anything for him, being a mother is the most important and joyful thing a woman can experience but if you loose sight of your marriage and you own life how do you expect to teach your children the value of love, marriage, commitment and individuality??? food for thought! hope you are full!!

*two pictures from our recent date night!!


Ashley W said...

I am so glad you wrote about this. I can relate to this because being a new mom, my life REVOLVES around Ava Reese and I have kinda put my husband on the back burner! Date night..great idea! Thanks girl!

Nana said...

Really cute couple...yeah! for date night. Good strategy. Keep it up.
Dec 8th will be 24 years for Dad and I with many more to go. Life is good, but of course we had you to keep it exciting. Now as Empty Nesters...we have Monkey to keep us traveling every chance we get, to head to Calera, AL. Its all about Family.
LOV U Guys.

Margie said...

Thanks for the wonderful post! I am looking forward to getting to know you, Gavin, and Mack better. Y'all seem like such an awesome family!!

Margie said...

Oh, and if you ever need a sitter for date night, please give me a call. I know Cooper would LOVE it!!!

Deann Scholl said...

This is so true!! I absolutely LOVED the sermon on Sunday and I also felt that he was talking directly to us!! You guys are awesome and have a great family!! You should be very proud of how far you have come!! We love you guys!!