Wednesday, October 8, 2008

happy fall!

i know it's the 4th of the day but it's so new and still so fun! just give me a few days and i will slack off! so it's 9:00 and i am sitting on my back porch enjoying the almost fall like mommy and wifey duties are over for this son is asleep, the kitchen is clean and my hubby is content in front of the tv...MOMMY TIME!! i really hope this blog will allow everyone to keep in touch when a phone call or email just seems impossible. i will pretty much just keep everyone up to date on life...i have a two year old so of course life is different everyday which means more stuff to talk about!!! i will also be posting pictures for our family that doesn't get to see my monkey as much as everyone should have the pleasure of doing!! i'm off to bed but believe me i'm sure there will be something new to read about in the morning! Good Nite all!

1 comment:

Ashley W said...

Blogging is so addicting! I look forward to reading your post..Your little monkey is too precious!